You may have heard all kinds of stories about the root canal treatment, however at van der Walt Dental we can ensure you that with modern dentistry, there is little to no pain.
What is root canal treatment?
The root canal treatment involves drilling a hole exposing the inside of the tooth, which allows for the infected and decayed parts of the tooth to be removed, this involves the soft centre known as the dental pulp.
Removal of the dental pulp involves the nerves, connective tissue and blood vessels.
Saving your own natural tooth where possible through a root canal treatment is important, as it functions better for chewing food over an artificial tooth. Replacing a missing tooth is also a far more costly and complex treatment than the root canal treatment.
When is root canal treatment required?
Root canal treatment is used when a tooth has become badly infected or damaged and needs saving. Teeth can become damaged or infected due to a number of different reasons, including decay, wear and tear, gum disease, damaged fillings or injuries to the tooth.
When a tooth becomes damaged, the dental pulp can become exposed, leading to bad bacteria being able to enter and multiply. The bad bacteria can lead to severe infections or even an abscess (pocket of puss).
Signs of an infected tooth pulp:
- Severe tooth ache while chewing
- Darkening appearance of the tooth
- Swollen and tender gum tissue
- Sensitivity to hot or cold that lasts longer than the actual heat or cold
- Neck and facial swelling
- Hole in the tooth or pimple on the gum
What does root canal treatment involve?
The root canal treatment may have to be completed over multiple dental visits, it’s different for every case.
However, the treatment will begin with x-rays, so that our dentists can look at the shape of the root canals and determine where the infection is and whether it has spread to the neighbouring bone.
Prior to the treatment beginning, you will receive a local anaesthetic, which means you should feel little to no pain during the procedure.
Our dentist will drill a small hole to expose the pulp of your tooth. Next a spinning endodontic file will be inserted which will remove all the infected tissue and dead nerves inside the root canals.
Your root canals will also be washed out with a disinfectant to remove any other diseased pulp and bad bacteria.
Finally, your root canals will be filled with a permanent material and then the tooth will be sealed with a filling. You may also require a dental crown to be placed over the top to restore the function if the tooth is too badly damaged.
Does the root canal treatment hurt?
People commonly say that root canal treatment is very painful, however times have passed and with modern dental techniques and anaesthesia, our team can ensure that the procedure is close to painless.
What are the side-effects of root canal treatment?
After having a root canal treatment, you may experience little pain and discomfort, however this should pass quite quickly.
Root canal treatment in Bundaberg
If you think you may have an infected tooth, please get in contact with the dental team in Bundaberg online for more information and to book in for a consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you know if you need a root canal?
The need for a root canal treatment is indicated by symptoms such as severe or persistent toothache, sensitivity to hot and cold, swelling, tenderness or a pimple-like bump on the gums near the tooth, tooth discolouration, prolonged pain after dental procedures, gum inflammation, a painful reaction to pressure, and findings from X-rays. If you experience any of these signs, it’s crucial to promptly consult a dentist for a proper diagnosis and to determine if a root canal is necessary to address potential infection or damage within the tooth’s pulp, ultimately aiming to relieve discomfort and preserve the tooth.
What happens if an infected tooth is left untreated?
Leaving an untreated infected tooth can lead to serious consequences, including the spread of infection to surrounding tissues, abscess formation, bone loss, tooth loss, sinus infections, systemic health risks, chronic pain, and the need for more extensive and costly treatments. The infection can impact overall health by compromising the immune system and might even lead to emergencies. Seeking timely dental care is crucial to prevent these potential complications and to address the infection before it escalates into more severe and challenging conditions.
What does a root canal procedure entail?
A root canal procedure involves several steps. After diagnosing the extent of the infection and administering local anaesthesia, the dentist creates a small opening in the tooth’s crown to access the pulp chamber and root canals. The infected or damaged pulp is removed, and the canals are cleaned, shaped, and disinfected. The canals are then filled with gutta-percha, a sealing material, to prevent further infection, and the access opening is sealed. Often, a dental crown is placed on the treated tooth for added support and protection. Follow-up appointments ensure proper healing, and the procedure’s goal is to save the tooth by eliminating infection and preserving its function.
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